Now that you’ve had a pregnancy test, it’s time to talk about your options. Let’s sit down together and discuss them.  It’s important for you to know all of them, so that you can choose the option that is best for you.

Choosing to Have an Abortion

A woman’s pregnancy is divided into trimesters (3-months at a time). The type of abortion you have is determined by how far along you are in your pregnancy. In other words, the procedure is determined by what trimester you are in.

First Trimester Abortions

Most abortions are done within the first trimester of pregnancy. The first trimester starts the first day of your last period and lasts through the end of week 12.

A Medical Abortion

A medical abortion has risks. Often, the abortion doctor will prescribe two medications in pill form. Either first taking mifepristone (Mifeprex) and then taking misoprostol (Cytotec). Or, first methotrexate and then misoprostol. The combination of either of these two drugs works to end your pregnancy. Which drugs you take are determined by the date of conception. Reasons to avoid this type of abortion:

  • You have an ectopic pregnancy (where the pregnancy is implanted outside of your womb) determined by an ultrasound.
  • You’re allergic to mifepristone, methotrexate or misoprostol
  • You have a bleeding disorder or a blood clotting problem
  • You have an IUD (intrauterine device)
  • Other issues

The first drug is administered in a doctor’s office. You’ll take the second drug, misoprostol, at home. This drug causes your uterus to contract in order to push out the developing baby. Expect to experience heavy bleeding, cramping, nausea, and possible dizziness.

A Surgical Abortion

A surgical abortion in the first trimester or early second trimester (12 to 16 weeks) is called a suction aspiration or vacuum aspiration.

Vacuum aspiration uses suction to pull the developing baby and placenta from the uterus. This procedure is always performed at a hospital or doctor’s office. Once again, you’ll experience cramping, bleeding, nausea and possible dizziness.

Second Trimester Abortions

The second trimester of pregnancy is from week 12 through week 24. Your abortion choices are more limited at this point.

Dilation and Evacuation

Dilation and evacuation (D & E) is usually performed after the 14th week of pregnancy. The entire process is done over a 2-day time period. This procedure involves a combination of vacuum aspiration, forceps, and dilation and curettage (also known as a D & C). The D & E begins with the doctor dilating (or widening) your cervix to make it wider for the baby to move through. Once fully dilated, the doctor uses forceps to remove the  baby and placenta. Then, a tube is inserted to suction out the uterus. Finally, a scoop-like instrument called a curette is used to scrape out the uterine lining. This procedure can be painful. Expect to experience bleeding, cramping and nausea.

Moving Forward

The fact you are in an unplanned pregnancy is overwhelming. Don’t make this decision on your own. Let us come alongside. We want to walk this path with you.

Schedule an appointment today to talk with us.